
Signs of the advent of the twelfth Imam of the Hazrat Mahdi as


۳۳۶ بازديد
We Shiites have twelve Imams, eleven of whom have been martyred And only Hazrat MMahdi remains. Three martyred Imams in MMedina and one martyred Imam in the holy city of Mashhad in Iran And there are seven martyred Imams in Iraq and Imam Ali (as) is the first Imam and Imam Hassan Asgari (as) is the father of Imam Mahdi.

Heavenly sound and shout from sky

۳۴۵ بازديد
3.Heavenly sound and shout
from sky
 A: “The sound from the sky is heard in the night of Jum’a, 23rd of Ramdhan. Never hesitate about it. Listen and obey, and at the end of the day, the voice of the cursed Devil raises and says: An oppressed was killed. This untimed cry will make a group doubt and a large group will go into a fire by their doubts. The sign of the cry of Gabriel is that he shouts in the name of Qa’im (AJ) and his father’s name. The hidden girls will become happy by this sound and encourage their brothers and fathers to depart.” B: “This sound will be inevitably heard before the rise of Qa’im (AJ). one of the sounds is the heavenly voice of Gabriel, the trusted, and the other one is heard from the earth which is the voice of the cursed Satan.”  D: “The person who had already believed, he will also believe now. He will hear the heavenly cry and he understands that it is true and confirms it… Then, Imam Sadiq (AS) said: The voice of Gabriel is from the sky and the sound of Satan is from the earth. You must follow the first voice. Woe to you if you follow the second voice and be deceived. The heavenlyshout is true and I swear to God that each nation will hear it in their own language.” E: Imam Sadiq (AS) says: “The conflict of Bani Abbas is one of the certain signs. The voice from the sky is one of the certain signs. The departure of Qa’im (AJ) is one of the certain signs.” 


۳۲۱ بازديد
The Khorasani in the book of Mehdi Montazar (as) says: In that year [the year of advent] there will be many earthquakes, including a great earthquake in the Damascus... The occurrence of this incident will be after the arrival of the yellow flags in Egypt.

zohoor sign = great fire

۳۱۱ بازديد
When you saw the sign of the great fire in the sky from the east, which lasted for several days and nights, then the release of the people and Advent is imminent